St Urban (CH) Orgelrezital La Spagnoletta (G. Frescobaldi, B. Storace…) 28/03 Zürich (CH) Ref. Kirche Oberstrass 18.30 (Gottesdienst) F. Couperin : Première leçon de ténèbres Le je-ne-Sçay-quoy : A. Carbonera, Soprano S. Lamberbourg, baroque cello 31/03 Zürich (CH) Ref. Kirche Oberstrass 10.00 (Gottesdienst) J.S. Bach Cembalokonzert BWV 1055 (I & III) C.P.E. Bach Cembalokonzert Wq 34 (III) W.F. Bach Cembalokonzert (II) Le je-ne-Sçay-quoy : I. Sajgó , D. Rivera, baroque violin C. Lamarre, baroque viola S. Lamberbourg, baroque cello 27/04 Zürich (CH) Ref. Kirche Oberstrass 20.00 LE CAPITALI DELLA MUSICA : Mantova http://www.lecapitalidellamusica.org 05/05 Basel (CH) Pianofort’ino With Soma Salat-Zakariás, Leonardo Bortolotto, Gamba, Josep-Maria Duran. Theorbe http://www.pianofortino.net 22/06 Evilard (CH) The little light consort 21/07 Dauphin (FR) Organ J. S. Bach: Sonaten für Cembalo und Violin Le je-ne-Sçay-quoy : Ildikó Sajgó, baroque violin http://orgue.dauphin.free.fr/topic/index.html 07/09 Weil-Am-Rhein (DE) J. S. Bach: Sonaten für Cembalo und Violin Le je-ne-Sçay-quoy : Ildikó Sajgó, baroque violin 20/10 Zürich (CH) Ref. Kirche Oberstrass 17.00 LE CAPITALI DELLA MUSICA : Bologna http://www.lecapitalidellamusica.org 10/11 Zürich (CH) Ref. Kirche Oberstrass 17.00 LE CAPITALI DELLA MUSICA : Roma http://www.lecapitalidellamusica.org 18 /12 Basel, CH Elisabethenkirche - Elisabethenstrasse 1 –Mimiko Le Je-ne-Scay-quoy Cembalo Konzerte http://www.le-je-ne-scay-quoy.com |